Monday, April 28, 2008

So Little Time & So Many Things to Do...

So many new fashions and designs are popping up for the summer season! There are some fantastic outfits and accessories out there now as you read this. We will post our favorites in a bit.

As the long awaited spring season has arrived. Flowers and trees are blooming. The fresh air and new life makes me want to get out there and continue some heavy duty spring cleaning. So many like new items and new items with tags find their way into bags ready to donate or pass onto the next friend that can find some use for them. Toys and the never ending lot of kids clothing & accessories.

I find myself wanting to list the items on Ebay or elsewhere but cannot find the time to take the photos, not to mention my faithful camera of so much time has finally kicked the bucket. The fees alone on Ebay can eat you alive and the time to list the items! Ugh! So much to do. This had gotten me to thinking it is easier to donate or give them to a friend who can use them much more than I need them taking up space in my home.

There are some great places to donate to if you do not have the time!

Salvation Army, Goodwill, Church in your area that may need new or like new clothing or kids and baby items in great condition.

I have found that over the past few months I do not have time for my crafts like I used to so in the meantime I am packing away items I know I will use in the near future and the remaining amount of items I will be taking a moment to list one day on an auction site. But as far as inventory, we are stocked for all of our upcoming and future craft shows. We will be listing our other items on auction sites when time allows. If you are looking for any new or particular designs you may find them on our website. If you do not see what you are looking for just ask, it may not be listed on our site but in our on hand inventory.

There are so many new designs that I have sketched but not enough time at the moment. Check back as we will be posting wonderful ideas and hot new designs over the spring and summer months!

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